Sender: [log in to unmask] (Robin Neill) 
Subject: Post positive economics. 
To you post positive (post modern) economists: 
     The point is not to show that we have always been post 
positivist, and so need not do anything; nor is is to show that we 
have not been post positivist, and so need to change everything.  The 
point is to see what the post modernists are doing that will help us 
do what needs to be done, or, in the light of deconstructionism, to 
see better what needs to be done, and so to get on and do it.  I mean, 
of course, in the History of Economics 
    Should you be asked again to point to some literature on post 
moderism and economics, answer W.J. Samuels, ECONOMICS AS DISCOURSE. 
Its as good a place to start as any.