================= HES POSTING ================= 
Just a reminder to all that from July 7-12, 1996 the Austrian 
Economics Program at NYU will be conducting its annual Advanced 
Seminar in Austrian Economics.  The lecturers wil be Israel Kirzner, 
Mario Rizzo, Roger Garrison, Lawrence White, and Peter Boettke.  The 
seminar is designed for graduate students and interested faculty 
members, but advanced undergraduates are encouraged to apply. 
Scholars within the "think tank" community would also be welcomed. 
The seminar this year will be held at NYU. 
Please recommend students to us or other interested parties who you 
think might benefit from this seminar. 
All inquiries should be directed to me. 
Pete Boettke 
Peter J. Boettke 
Assistant Professor 
Department of Economics 
New York University 
269 Mercer Street 
New York, NY 10003 
phone: (212) 998-8959 
fax: (212) 995-4186 
email: [log in to unmask] 
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