Your question on Hank Morgan and the Picaro is an interesting one, and I
certainly didn't take it as an annoying query from an uninformed student.
I can't say how others felt.  The problem is there isn't much material for
debate in the question.  The _Encyclopedia_ lists some good work on what some
critics feel is Twain's inability to stick to his plot, a failing which leads
to novels with a picaaresque feel to them.  But there aren't really many good
books or articles on Hank Morgan as Picaro.  My book, _Twain's Heroes, Twain's
Worlds_, has a pretty thorough consideration of Hank Morgan's heroism, which
is about as close to the topic as the literature seems to get.  I have a good
bibliography, but it is nearly a decade out of date.  Does anyone else know of
more recent work on Hank Morgan?
                                     Andy Hoffman