Services for the CCS Mail Servers will be unavailable on Sunday March 3rd
from 8:00am - 12:00pm in order to allow for some system maintenance and
enhancements to be performed. As result of the expected changes please take
note of the following,

        o Password changes will be disabled from Friday March 1st at 4:30pm
          to the Sunday March 3rd at 12:00pm.

        o As a result of some security enhancements you will see upon login
          a warning message similar to:

          Password does not decrypt secret key for [log in to unmask]

          This is only a warning message which can be corrected by changing
          your password.

        o Lastly, if you have not already done so please ensure that you
          are connecting to the appropriate host and have properly configured
          any email software you are using to specify:

          telnet/login host     :
                                                (userid = your account name)

          mailrelay/smtp host   :
          pop/imap host         :  (faculty,staff,students)
          pop/imap host         :    (alumni)

John Muscat                email  : [log in to unmask]
CCS                        web    :
York University            phone  : (416) 736-2100
North York, Ontario        office : Steacie T138
Canada M3J 1P3
  Zed? It's Maynard. The spider just caught a coupl'a flies. (PF)