================= HES POSTING ================= 
First announcement 
Mols Laboratory, Femmoeller, Denmark, July 26-31, 1996 
The Danish Humanities Research Council's Network for the 
History and Philosophy of Science organizes a five-day summer 
graduate course focussing on "The Relation Between History of 
Science and Philosophy of Science". The following themes will be 
* The historical development of the relation between history and 
philosophy of science. 
* What has history done for the methodology of science? 
* What can philosophy of science do for history of science? 
* Is there a historical methodology of science? 
* The implications of developments in cognitive science for history 
of science: a "cognitive history" of science. 
* Biography as the meeting ground between philosophical analysis 
and historical description. 
* The study of conceptual change in history. 
* History and philosophy of science in science education. 
* The relation between history and philosophy of science to recent 
developments in social studies of science. 
The faculty includes: 
- Thomas Nickles, Philosophy Department, University of Nevada 
- Nancy Nersessian, Center for Cognitive Studies, Georgia Institute 
of Technology, Atlanta 
- Helge Kragh, Center for Technology and Human Values, Oslo 
- Stig Andur Pedersen, Department of Physics and Mathematics, 
Roskilde University 
- Thomas Soederqvist, Unit of History of Science, Department of 
Biology, Roskilde University 
The program will include lectures, seminars, presentations of 
participants' research projects, group discussions, and tutorials. The 
mornings will be devoted to lectures and plenary discussions, while 
the afternoons will be reserved for presentations of participants' 
projects, group discussions and tutorials. There will be rich 
opportunities for informal talks between faculty and students. 
The Mols Laboratory (owned by Aarhus University) is situated in 
a hilly nature reserve area on the Mols peninsula, a few kilometers 
from the small town of Femmoeller in Eastern Jutland and with a 
magnificent view of the North Sea. The Mols, with its gently 
rolling hills and cattle grazed vegetation, is known as one of the 
most scenic areas in Denmark. 
The summer course starts on Friday, July 26 at 6pm., and ends on 
Wednesday, July 31 at 7pm. The Mols Laboratory can be reached 
in approx. 30 minutes by (shared) cab from Aarhus airport. Aarhus 
has several daily train and flight connections with Copenhagen. 
Femmoeller also has several daily connections with Aarhus (bus) and 
Copenhagen (bus and ferry). 
The number of participants will be limited to 20. Priority will be 
given to graduate students (or the equivalent) in history and/or 
philosophy of science or science studies. However, junior scholars 
in these fields and graduate students in other disciplinary areas 
(history, philosophy, etc.) with an active interest in the topic of 
the course are also welcome to apply. 
Graduate students and junior scholars from the Nordic and other 
European countries are encouraged to apply. 
Tuition fee for PhD-students with a Danish graduate fellowship 
(which includes overhead for PhD-courses) is 3000 DKK (approx. 
500 USD). A number of course stipends will be allocated to PhD- 
students who are not covered by this or similar programs. Please 
indicate in your application if you are not covered by a graduate 
program and therefore are need of a stipend. 
Applications, including a curriculum vitae and a short (200 words) 
abstract of the applicant's graduate project, should be sent, before 
May 15, 1996, to: 
        The Secretariat, Danish Humanities Research 
        Council's Network for the History and Philosophy 
        of Science, Building 17.2, Roskilde University, 
        P.O. Box 260, DK-4000 Roskilde, Denmark 
        (e-mail: [log in to unmask]) 
A detailed program and travel information will be sent to the 
participants in early June. 
For further information, please contact: 
Thomas Soederqvist 
The Danish Humanities Research Council's Network for the 
History and Philosophy of Science 
Roskilde University, P.O. Box 260, DK-4000 Roskilde, Denmark 
+45 4675 7711/2714 ([log in to unmask]) 
Hanne Andersen 
Max Planck Institut fuer Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Wilhelmstrasse 44, 
D-10117 Berlin, Germany 
+49 30 22667 116 ([log in to unmask]) 
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