================= HES POSTING ================= 
                Saturday, 7th September 1996 
                  CALL FOR PAPERS 
The sociology of scientific knowledge (SSK) underwent dramatic 
changes and influenced many other areas of thought within and outside 
sociology from the 1960s to mid-1980s.  More recently, its coherence 
has fragmented and more vociferous challenges to the rights of social 
scientists to examine science and scientists have been heard.  Part 
of the fragmentation has been a result of the success of related 
fields, including the new sociology of technology, new histories of 
science and technology and feminist epistemology.  This conference 
will explore the implications of these developments for the future of 
Keynote speakers will include Wiebe Bijker (Limburg), Sandra Harding 
(UCLA) and Barry Barnes (Exeter). 
Further contributions are invited for parallel sessions on the 
sociology of technology, politics and alternative epistemologies, and 
the relationship between SSK and other disciplines. 
Please send abstracts by May 1st to: 
Tim Jordan                  or   Sally Wyatt 
Dep't of Sociology               Dep't of Innovation Studies 
University of East London        University of East London 
Longbridge Road                  Maryland House 
Dagenham                         Manbey Park Road 
Essex RM8 2AS                    London E15 1EY 
Email: [log in to unmask]      Email: [log in to unmask] 
If you are interested in attending the conference, please ring Joan 
Tremble on +44 (0)181 849 3460 or fax +44 (0)181 849 3619 or email 
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