================= HES POSTING ================= 
HESers who happen to be in the Chicago area this week may find the 
of interest. 
The Adam Smith Society will conduct a session at the upcoming meetings of 
Central Division, American Philosophical Association 
     The session will occur at the following time and place 
     Thursday, April 25, 1996 
     8:15 am -10:15 am 
     Parlor B 
     Palmer House Hilton 
Speakers and paper titles are 
Chair:      Donald Livingston, Dep't of Philosophy, Emory University 
Speaker:  Douglas Long, 
               Dep't of Political Science, Univ. of Western Ontario 
      Title:  "Adam Smith on Propriety, Sociality and Justice" 
Speaker:  Samuel Fleischacker 
               Dep't of Philosophy, Williams College 
      Title:  "inventive Philosophers:  Smith's Conservative Radicalism" 
Speaker:  Glenn Hueckel 
               Dep't of Economics, Purdue University 
      Title:  "Smith's Uniform 'Toil and Trouble':  A 'Vain Subtlety'?" 
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