A tidbit that might tickle your fancy:

Roy Morris, Jr., writing in _Ambrose Bierce: Alone in Bad Company_,
recounts Bierce's railing against Twain in his _News Letter_....

"...Even the unoffending Mark Twain, whom Bierce scarcely knew at the
time, came in for a share of Town Crier abuse. 'Mark Twain, who,
whenever he has been long enough sober to permit an estimate, has been
uniformly found to bear a spotless character, has got married,' Bierce
noted in 1870. 'It was not the act ofa desperate man - it was not
committed while laboring under temporary insanity; his insanity is not
of that type, nor does he ever labor - it was the cool, methodical,
cumulative culmination of human nature, working in the breast of an
orphan hankering for some one with a fortune to love - some one with a
bank account to caress.' A little later, Bierce followed up on the Twain
nuptials. 'It is announced that Mark Twain, being above want, will
lecture no more,' he reported. 'We didn't think that of Mark; we
supposed that after marrying a rich girl he would have decency enough to
make a show of working for a year or two anyhow. But it seems his native
laziness has wrecked his finer feelings, and he has abandoned himself to
his natural vice with the stolid indifference of a pig at his
ablutions.' And still later: 'Mark Twain's father-in-law is dead, and
has left that youth's wife a quarter of a million dollars. At the time
of Mark's marriage, a few months since, we expressed some doubt as to
the propriety of the transaction. That doubt has been removed by

-Roy Morris, Jr. _Ambrose Bierce: Alone in Bad Company._ NY: Crown
Publishers, c1995, p. 125.