================= HES POSTING ================= 
------- Forwarded from H-AMSTDY by Ross Emmett ------- 
                             CALL FOR PAPERS 
          The Ohio Historical Society, the Society for Historians of 
          the Gilded Age and Progressive Era (SHGAPE), and The Ohio 
          State University College of Humanities and Department of 
          History invite proposals for papers or for panels 
          consisting of two papers and a commentator, on any aspect of 
          the McKinley presidency and administration, or the 
          McKinley era (circa 1885-1900), to be presented at a 
          centennial conference on "William McKinley and the McKinley 
          Era" to be held March 15, 1997, at the Ohio Historical 
          Center, Columbus, Ohio.  The Program Committee hopes for 
          submissions on social, cultural, and economic themes, and on 
          subjects directly connected to the McKinley presidency, such 
          as expansionism, foreign policy, and trade; domestic public 
          policy and administration; and politics.  The Ohio 
          Historical Society will pay the costs of transportation and 
          lodging for all presenters and commentators. 
          Please send proposals, including the title of the proposed 
          paper; a one-page prospectus; and name, address (including 
          email address), and a one-page curriculum vitae to Dr. Terry 
          Kehoe, Ohio Historical Society, 1982 Velma Avenue, Columbus, 
          OH 43211.  If proposing a panel, please also provide a cover 
          sheet, including panel title, titles of papers, and the 
          names and addresses of presenters and commentator. 
          For further information, contact Terry Kehoe at 
          [log in to unmask] or Michael Les Benedict at 
          [log in to unmask] 
============ FOOTER TO HES POSTING ============ 
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