To whomever:

     A Canadian company marketing/selling see-u-see-me software
     is "Pantronics".  Speak with Yaron Panov at 905/731-4602.  I
     have seen a teleconferencing demonstration of his system in
     communication with a Vancouver site -  it works well with
     sharing live images and voice, dual access to documents and
     will accommodate file transfer.  (I have no vested

     Peter J. Berwick
     Director, Practice Advisory Services
     Ontario Medical Association

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Subject: cuseeme?
Author:  "Health Promotion on the Internet (Discussion)" <[log in to unmask]> at
Date:    5/13/96 11:19 AM

is there anyone out there who has cuseeme capacity?  i'd like to do some
experimenting with some mock teleconfercing sessions.  thanks