Looking to coordinate all community antismoking/smoking cessations efforts
in rural/suburban uban locations.  A global direction is targeted . All
help in cordination/methods /
education/contacts are being sought. Biological purging  of nicotene rather
adding {gum/patch} is a focus,  as well as psychological issues.
Sincerely Albert Zabloski Certified NLP practioner

Owl - Z  & Company  Phone:(310)867-7051
Los Angeles, Ca.        Fax: (310) 925-0737
Albert J. Zabloski , Founder of GEMStars
Lifetronix Telecommuter /  ProStep Consultant
Certified Nuro-Linguistic Programmer
OXYQUIT TODAY!!!    1-800-665-4197, #2223333, call #1
WealthCom (FREE TELECONFERENCING!) Representative
http://www.gemstars.com / Lifetronix ID 136406420
http://www.gemstars.com/prostep.html ProSTEP ID #5430
http://www.gemstars.com/wealth.html   ID 3109250737
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