To multiple users of Click 4HP,

The Heart Health Nova Scotia team is pleased to be part of this
communication vehicle and we look forward to the discussion and the
networking opportunities the listserv will obviously provide.

Now for some background!  Heart Health Nova Scotia is part of the
Canadian Heart Health Initiative.  We have completed our first phase
of research - namely the Demonstration Phase- and have recently been
funded by NHRDP and Nova Scotia Department of Health to conduct the
second phase -  focused on dissemination research.   Our research
interests are in the area of community activation, technical support/ capacity
building, organizational change and coalition development - to name a few!

Now for my request!  Those of you who work with communities will know
that it is important to have examples of effective programs and
activities at the ready when community members or organizations  identify their
interest and need to focus on a certain issue.  We can predict what
some of these requests will be but there will be many areas where a
search will have to be initiated to find appropriate materials.  Is
this listserv an appropriate place to launch a "call for assistance"
for resource acquisition?

I'd appreciate your thoughts.

Anne Cogdon
Heart Health Nova Scotia
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5599 Fenwick Street
Halifax, N.S. B3H 1R2