Dear Click for HP'ers:

The facilitator of this list-serve has asked that I report on the effects of our plea for
community support related to opposing front-yard parking in the city of Toronto,

In response to my posting (apparently sent to over 250 individuals concerned with
health promotion), requesting that letters of support for tougher legislation be sent
to City of Toronto Mayor Hall, the following was received:

1) A statement from a user in Missouri, indicating that this is an issue there as
well. (not sent to Mayor)

2) An inquiry from a city assistant in Edmonton. (sent to Mayor)

Luckily, the residents of First Avenue in Toronto do not have to depend on the
"Information Highway" for our cause.  We will be giving two deputations at Council
on Thursday, May 23, 7: 00 P.M. at City Hall.  Additionally our neighbours have
been speaking to each other regarding this latest assault on our attempts to
maintain a healthy city and healthy community. Many of them will be attending
the City Hall meeting. Our city counselor has also responded to the phone calls of
community members.

Dennis Raphael, Ph.D., C.Psych
62 First Avenue
Toronto, Ontario
M4M 1W8

Tel: 416-465-7455