"One personal contact to a politician is worth as much as 10 phone calls or
100 letters."    Can't remember where I read it - possibly Sarpkaya's
"Lobbying in Canada - Ways & Means" or maybe it was "On the Take" by Stevie
Cameron (no it couldn't have been)
>Steve, I am much struck by the sense of helplessness that
>most individuals have. I have been up in Canada so long,
>that I don't know whether it is a Canada issue or a cohort
>issue.   While I was employed at the Ontario Ministry of
>Education, I was stunned to discover that every letter had
>to be answered and signed by the Minister.  And of course, I
>was the one that had to write the letter! We received very
>few letters, even though parents were going bananas over
>the state of the education system.  Perhaps they were afraid
>they'd be swooped up in the night by the government.
>Similarly, politicians work on the assumption that every
>letter sent represents at least 100 other individuals.  So
>you can understand my frustration when people who are
>impacted by an issue do not follow through on things such as
>letter writing.
Geoff Rowlands
Health Management Resource Group
Vancouver, British Columbia
Voice (604) 730 0121   Fax (604) 730 0120