Hello from Victoria! This is in reply to the wish for easy (or any) access
to health information on the internet for both consumers and health care
professionals as recently discussed by Dorothy and Susan.

There are now some books out to help people find health information.  "Dr.
Tom Linden's Guide to Online Medicine" by T. Linden & M.L. Kienholz is good
and not too expensive.  I haven't seen this one yet but apparently it helps
people learn to search (maybe not just on the internet) "InfoMedicine A
Consumers Guide to the Latest Medical Research".

I agree that health professionals also need to develope their skills and
have ease of access.

IBM has put together a concept called the HealthVillage which can be viewed
at the IBM HealthCare solutions homepage at:
www.solutions.ibm.com/healthcare/ and then go to HealthVillage.  They hope
to have a healthvillage network for the consumer, the healthcare
professional as well as healthcare organizations.  For the consumer they
envision a library with info, a mall to purchase products, a fitness center
to design fitness program and diet plans, healthcare offices to access info
about new programs or procedures etc., and a village square where people
gather for discussions and support.  For the Healthcare professional: a
health university (hope it's available for consumers too) to access medical
research, education programs or dialogue with peers; a healthsupplier mall,
a health association plaza for posting info, healthcare links to other info
management systems.  For healthcare organizations the ability to tailor make
a HealthVillage according to their needs.  Apparently IBM has instituted
this in the USA (anyone know where?) and is looking doing it in Canada.

I have some concerns about "managed" care and the access to information for
consumers.  Will they provide what they consumers want (for example there is
alot of interest in alternative information) or what the organization wants.

Do people have any comments about what needs to be in place to help both
consumers and health care professionals access information and begin to make
use of the technology.

Regards!   Judi Quail