Hi -- yet another introduction.  I'm the Health Promotion Coordinator at
a Community Health Centre in Hamilton.  My job is great in that it's like
Nuts 'n Bolts -- a whole new thing each time.  On any given day, I might
be writing a grant proposal, meeting with community groups, helping to
facilitate a young mom's group at the local high school, coordinating
donations and volunteers for our Children's Community Breakfast Program,
preparing our quarterly community newsletter, or assisting an individual
in the community to move forward with an idea for community development
(among other things).

My interests lie in health promotion evaluation and tracking --
particularly blending the qualitative with the quantitative, as well as
creating sustainable programs which are able to gain their own momentum
and require as little support as possible from "organizations" such as ours.

Looking forward to our discussions -- already have seen introductions
from familiar folks.

Mary Keith Siegner, Health Promotion Coordinator
North Hamilton Community Health Centre
554 John Street North, Hamilton, Ontario, L8L 4S1
(905) 523-6611