Symposium: Power, Participation and Partnerships for Health Promotion

When: 1st - 2nd August 1996

Where: St Vincent's Hospital, Melbourne, Australia

"An opportunity to improve cross-sectoral actions to promote health by
participating in a specially designed, practical symposium featuring
the international expertise of two of the most well respected names in
health promotion"

Keynote Speakers:

 - Dr Ilona Kickbusch, Director, Health Promotion & Education, World
 Health Organisation and,

- Dr Ron Labonte, Health Consultant from Canada

Dr. Kickbusch is well known as the Director of Health Promotion for
the World Health Organisation. She pioneered health promotion with
settings and has tirelessly promoted the necessity for intersectoral

Dr. Labonte has worked in health promotion for the Canadian Government
for over 22 years. Dr. Labonte currently teaches in the graduate
health promotion program at the University of Toronto. He is also a
consultant to health authorities in a number of countries and with the
World Health Organisation and INICEF. He is the co-author of "Handbook
on Using Stories in Health Promotion Practice" for Health Canada.

Who should attend: health promoters, policy makers, public health
researchers,  primary health care sector, government and
non-government health and welfare organisations, education sector,
hospitals sector, sports and arts organisations, community and
self-help groups.

Cost: $A395

To book a place contact Sharon Osman at VicHealth,

Telephone: +61 3 9345 3200

Mail: PPP Symposium
         P.O. Box 154
         Carlton Sth.   3053

E-mail: [log in to unmask]
Craig Silva, Electronic Outreach Program Officer
Victorian Health Promotion Foundation
e-mail: [log in to unmask], Tel: 61 3 9345 3211