For those who are friends of _Mark Twain Journal_ editor, Tom Tenney, you may want to know he is now recovering from surgery undergone last week. An artery in his leg had to be replaced, and he says he is doing fine now and should be going home in a few days. I know he would appreciate get-well greetings from his many friends and supporters in the Twain community. You can write him care of the English Dept,, the Citadel, Charleston, South Carolina 29409. Also, I will be now assisting Tom in his annotated "About Mark Twain" series in the _Mark Twain Circular_ that will later be integrated into the next edition of _Mark Twain: A Reference Guide_. Those of you publishing Twain material or running across things not yet annotated by Tom, you can save him some mailing costs by sending the material directly to me at 1202 S. Walnut, Sherman, TX 75090. If your publication is available on electronic media, please send to [log in to unmask] with complete bibliographic details. And don't forget to let Tom know how much we appreciate him. wes britton