This is a list of some relevant references concerning Kuhn and economics : 
Blaug, M. 1980. The Methodology of Economics. Cambridge : CUP. 
Bronfenbrenner, M. 1971. "The Structure of Revolutions".  History of 
Political Economy 3:136-151. 
Caldwell, B. 1984. Appraisal and Criticism in Economics. Winchester : Allan 
and Unwin. 
De Marchi, N. 1988. The Popperian Legacy in Economics. Cambridge : CUP. 
Hunt, D. 1989. Economic Theories of Development. Herfordshire : Harvester 
Kunin, L. and F. Weaver. 1971. "On the Structure of Scientific Revolutions 
in Economics." History of Political Economy 3:391-397. 
Latsis, S. 1976. Method and Appraisal in Economics. Cambridge : CUP. 
Metha, G. 1977. The Structure of the Keynesian Revolution. London : Martin 
Mehta, G. 1979. "The Keynesian Revolution". International Journal of Social 
Economics 6:151-3. 
Miller, A. and D. Mair. 1991. A Modern Guide to Economic Thought. Aldershot 
: Elgar. 
Pheby, J. 1988. Methodology and Economics. Hong Kong : MacMillan. 
Bert Mosselmans 
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