I would like to clarify a statement I made the other day about an
instrument from Nova Scotia Heart Health. I did not mean to imply that it
was inferior - we simply have problems with it. What we reviewed was the
"environmental assessment" given to workplaces, but could not locate any
evidence that the tool had been validated, plus it was a little confusing
for our needs. I'm sure all can appreciate the need for solid, peer
reviewed, and academic evaluation and validation, as we strive to
justify our shrinking and tight budgets (also, we are a teaching health
unit with extra acountability).

Again, sorry for any miscommunication.



Alan J. McFarlane, Tobacco Use Prevention Promoter
Department of Public Health Services
25 Main St. W. Hamilton, ON . L8N 3P6
(905) 546-2549 ; (905) 528-2205 (Fax)