
Requests for directions to "unsubscribe", "set digest", "set no mail", seem
to regularly appear to the whole list. I am respectfully asking that people
please keep these directions (save them as a file, print them off, put them
on a sticky on your monitor), whatever it takes. We are planning to create a
web site for the list so folks can go and check there for help, but as
volunteers administering Click4hp this may take a few weeks. In the meantime
I ask that we all respect each others In boxes and keep the requests for
help to private email addressed to:

Liz Rykert <[log in to unmask]>
Alison Stirling <[log in to unmask]>
Sam Lanfranco <[log in to unmask]>

For the record I recently unsubcribed and resubscribed myself...I had no

So ... one more time with meaning ;-)

To ask the list to do something for you the basic steps are the same -
always begin by:

Sending an email to <[log in to unmask]>, leave subject blank, and make sure
your signature file (if you have one) is turned off.

To unsubscribe: in the body of the message type "unsubscribe click4hp"

To set no mail options while you are away for an extended period: in the
body of the message type "set click4hp digest"

To restore mail: in the body of the message type "set click4hp mail"

To receive the list in digest format: in the body of the message type "set
click4hp digest"

To check the list to see if you are on or off it, or to see who else is
subscribed: in the body of the message type "review click4hp"

Please note:
I have used quotations around the commands to trick the list into thinking I
am not actually sending these commands. When you write the commands you
don't need to add these.

Hope this helps...Liz Rykert, co-owner Click4hp, <[log in to unmask]>
Liz Rykert, Coordinator, Growing Up Healthy Downtown, Family Service
Association of Metro Toronto; Tel (416) 927-8500; fax (416) 927-8291
facilitator: <>,<>, <act.cuts.ont>; co-owner: <[log in to unmask]>
                    email: <[log in to unmask]>