We received this in the office the other day and thought we'd pass it along to the forum. In the May 25 edition of the _New York Post_ appeared a review of a cabaret _A Lighter Shade of Weill_. The singer, Gerta Grunen, has apparently dug up old Kurt Weill material, including excerpts from an unfinished Huck Finn musical. Here's the relevant part of the review... "Most any enthusiast of Broadway and Hollywood musicals would know that Mark Twain's _Huckleberry Finn_ was turned into the Broadway show _Big River_ (1985), with a score by Roger Miller. What few would know is that an earlier attempt to musicalize that definitively American novel was undertaken by no less a composer than Gernan-born Kurt Weill. Weill died in 1950 before completing his _Huck Finn_ musical. If you're curious to know what Weill's score (with lyrics by Maxwell Anderson) would have sounded like, four surprisingly sunny songs -- surprising to those who associate Weill's name with the heavy, brooding _Threepenny Opera_ -- are included in Gerta Grunen's new cabaret show, _A Lighter Shade of Weill._" The review is written by Chip Deffaa and ends saying that the cabaret will be performed on June 5 at 7 p.m. at Don't Tell Mama, 343 W. 46th St (212)757-0788 $10 cover, two drink min. So maybe one of the "locals" can check this out! Just thought you'd all like to know! Renee L. Gross Center for Mark Twain Studies, Elmira College