Ross, Veblen almost certainly read Weber in the original German.  German 
one of Veblen's languages, and of course he made trips to Europe where he 
would have had to hear about Weber.  I don't have a specific reference at 
present, but you might look at Joe Dorfman's _Economic Mind in American 
Civilization_, vols 3,4,5.  Did Mitchell say anything on this in his 
Notes edited by Dorfman?  I wonder if Dorfman's article on the German 
Historical School says anything about this?  Sorry I don't have too much 
time at present to look it up, but will keep this in mind all the same. 
Larry Shute 
Laurence Shute                  <[log in to unmask]> 
Department of Economics         Voice: x 3850 
Building 1, 3rd Floor, Room 337 FAX:   x 6987 
Ross B. Emmett                Editor, HES and Co-manager CIRLA-L 
Augustana University College 
Camrose, Alberta CANADA   T4V 2R3 
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