For those working in American economics: 
Oxford University Press is looking for contributors to the new version of 
the American National Biography which is to be forthcoming in the next  
couple of years. You can request further info and a list of available  
subjects from: 
ANB <[log in to unmask]> 
The lists of subjects are divided into categories. I requested the "social  
Sciences" category, and found the following economists still available.  
For each of these individuals, the ANB is looking for a biography of  
less than 1000 words, and they offer a small cash payment for accepted  
biographies. [Their list changes rapidly, so my listing of subjects here  
is simply an indication of what they are doing, not a guarantee that the  
subject will be available for you to write about!]. 
Brown, J. Douglas 
Chamberlin, Edward Hastings 
Clark, John Maurice 
Eckstein, Otto 
Fairchild, Fred Rogers 
Foster, William Trufant 
Goldenweiser, Emanuel Alexander 
Hamilton, Earl 
Hansen, Alvin H. 
Harris, Abraham Lincoln 
Harris, Seymour E. 
Koopmans, Tjalling 
Kuh, Edwin 
Lerner, Abba 
Machlup, Fritz 
Nurkse, Ragnar 
Okun, Arthur 
Patten, Simon Nelson 
Perlman, Selig 
Stigler, George Joseph 
Tucker, George 
Willis, Henry Parker 
Young, Allyn Abbott 
Remember that these are the subjects still available. The ANB's list of  
subjects is closed -- they will not consider further nominations. 
Ross B. Emmett                Editor, HES and Co-manager CIRLA-L 
Augustana University College 
Camrose, Alberta CANADA   T4V 2R3 
voice: (403) 679-1517   fax: (403) 679-1129 
e-mail: [log in to unmask]  or  [log in to unmask]