================= HES POSTING ================= 
At 8:29 25/7/96, Agnes Miklos-Illes wrote: 
>I am wondering if anybody could suggest me any literature on American 
>economics and religion. 
There is a bibliography on economics and religion on the web, located  at : 
If you find nothing there, you can look at other sites.  I'm maintaining a 
list at : 
Bert Mosselmans. 
Bert Mosselmans 
Free University of Brussels 
CFEC M418 
Pleinlaan 2 - 1050 Brussels - Belgium 
Tel. 0032/2/629.21.20 
Fax 0032/2/629.22.82 
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My homepage : http://cfec.vub.ac.be/cfec/bert.htm 
VUB's homepage : http://www.vub.ac.be/VUB-home.html 
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