Very interesting point concerning "junk mail".  I have never been able to
understand why people consider flyers and other advertisements that come
through their mail slots to be considered "junk mail."  Living in a particular
neighbourhood, I find these flyers to be informative as to what is or isn't going on
in a neighbourhood.  I may not rush off to Zellers to buy 1/2 price Easter Bunnies,
nor get the latest Bradford Exchange Elvis Presley plate, but I find such information
informative as to the lives of the people around me.

Similarly, just because I have a particular definition as to what "health promotion"
is, the presence of things such as "laser therapy" for smoking cessation is
important for me to know, since the public that I am supposed to be serving, is also
going to be exposed to these materials. Similarly, I have no problem being
exposed to advertisements for books, materials, or other paraphanalia.

I guess I have always felt that those who feel that they have the right to decide
what is valuable and/or important for distribution, be it through a mail slot or on a
listserve, have at times, a sense of rightousness, and self-importance.

Keep the information (junk mail) coming!!

Dennis Raphael, Ph.D., C.Psych
62 First Avenue
Toronto, Ontario
M4M 1W8

Tel: 416-465-7455