Wang yen, male, 23, university student
He was healthy until two monthes ago when he suffered
continuous abdominal pain, the symptom worsened at the
midnight and refered to the back. He got 5kg
of weight-loss due to restricted feeding but with
no diarrhea and no jaundice. He bad a past
history with no alcohol drinking and no smoking and
no trauma or operation. On admission, BUS
showed widened tail of pancreas with dilated
main duct (<0.4cm), Ams of serum ranged
230u-600u, Lipase 330u/dl. Ca++ 2.26mmol/l.
Physical examination rerealed nothing except
tenderness on up-left quadrant. TPN was given
for tendays, but the symptom coutinued. ERCP
showed a widened main pancreatic duct like
the "chain of lake"; KUB showed no calcification;
CT scan showed a appearance just as BUS did
OGTT were: fast 4.62mmol/L; 30',6.59mmol/L; 60',
8.19mmol/L; 120' 8.18mmol/L; 180', 7.64mmol/L
A diagnose of ibleopathic chronic pancreatitis was made,
Octritide was given (0.1H B.i.d), his
symptom improves now.
Plase give the answers to the questions:
1. What cause the disease?
2. How to treat the disease?
3. How about the prognosis for this Young man?
4. Who (or Which organization) can help to treat?
 Thanks very much!

Best regards,
Jiang Xianfeng (E-mail: [log in to unmask])