================= HES POSTING ================= 
The Dibner Institute for the History of Science and Technology invites 
applications for its two fellowship programs for 1997-98: the Senior 
Fellows Program and the new Post-Doctoral Fellows program. The Dibner 
Institute expects to have 15 Senior Fellows each term and up to 5 
Post-Doctoral Fellows each year. 
Senior Fellow Program 
Candidates for Senior Fellowships should have advanced degrees in 
appropriate fields and offer evidence of substantial accomplishment and 
professional experience. 
        Resident: Scholars may apply to the Senior Resident Fellows Program for 
the Fall (term 1), the Spring (term 2), or both. Term 1 extends from 1 
August through 31 December, with full activities beginning on 1 September. 
Term 2 extends from 1 January through 31 May, with full activities 
beginning on 1 February. At the time of application, term-1 candidates may 
request an arrival date in July; term-2 candidates may request an 
extension into June. 
        Visiting: Scholars my apply for the Senior Visiting Fellows Program for 
less than a full term, but must apply for at least two consecutive months. 
Post-Doctoral Fellows Program 
Fellowships are awarded to outstanding young scholars of diverse countries 
of origin who have obtained the Ph.D. or equivalent within the previous 
five years. Post-Doctoral Fellowships run for one year, from 1 July 
through 30 June, and may be extended for a second and final year at the 
discretion of the Dibner Institute. 
The Dibner Institute is an international center for advanced research in 
the history of science and technology, established in Massachusetts in 
1992. It includes the Burndy Library as its scholarly library resource and 
enjoys the participation in its programs of faculty members and students 
of consortium-member institutions including the Massachusetts Institute 
of Technology, as host institution, Boston University, Brandeis University 
and Harvard University. 
The Dibner Institute  provides office space, support facilities and full 
priviledges at the Burndy Library and at the libraries of consortium 
universities. Fellows will have access to the entire spectrum of 
activities that take place at the Dibner Instiute where they will be able 
to collaborate in an atmosphere of collegiality and find the resources and 
appropriate settings to carry on their work. 
All Dibner Fellows are expected to reside in the Boston area during the 
term of their grants, to participate in the activities of the Dibner 
Institute community and to present their current work at appropriate 
occasions during their fellowship appointments. 
Funds are available for housing, living expenses, and return travel costs. 
Estimates of costs, as well as the average stipend awarded in 1996-97, are 
provided with the application forms. The deadline for receipt of 
applications for 1997-98 is 1 January 1997. Fellowship recipients will be 
announced in March 1997. Please send requests for further information and 
for application forms directly to: 
Trudy Kontoff 
Program Coordinator 
Dibner Institute for the History of Science and Technology 
Dibner Building, MIT E56-100 
38 Memorial Drive 
Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 
Telephone: 617 253-6989 
Fax: 617 253-9858 
email: [log in to unmask] 
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