Forwarded to HES by Ross B. Emmett on behalf of 
Giorgio Rampa and Luciano Stella 
Genova, Palazzo Balbi, Aula della Meridiana 
Wednesday Sept. 25th - Friday Sept. 27th, 1996 
Programme (provisional) 
WED. 25th, 5 pm: Welcome Address by Professors 
  V. Uckmar (Chairman of the Istituto di Scienze Economiche e Finanziarie) 
  V. Sirotti (Societa' Italiana delgi Economisti) 
  G. Visintini (Dean of the Faculty of Law) 
  G. Casale (Dean of the Faculty of Political Science) 
THURS. 26th, 9.30 am: Session 1, chairperson: A. Amato 
  W. Eltis (Oxford): Harrod-Domar Equation from Quesnay to Marx 
  to Harrod and Domar 
        discussant: T. Cozzi 
  L. Punzo (Siena): Harrod's Story in the History of Macrodynamics 
        discussant: G. Rampa 
  (probably) J. Kregel (Bologna): title to be announced 
THURS. 26th, 3.30 pm: Session 2, chairperson: G. Rampa 
  A. Medio (Venice): Business Cycle and Predictability 
        discussant: D. Checchi 
  M. Caminati (Siena): 'Warranted' and Learning Dynamics in a 
  Fix-Price Economy 
        discussant: I. Lavanda 
FRI. 27th, 9.30 am: Session 3, chairperson: A. Fossati 
  D. Besomi (Loughborough): Harrod and the 'Time-Lags Theories of the Cycle' 
        discussant: P. Varri 
  W. Young (Bar Ilan): Harrod and Haberler: Trade Cycles, Dynamics, and 
  International Economics 
        discussant: C. Marcuzzo 
  M. Pugno (Trento): Harrodian Economic Dynamics 
        discussant: B. Miconi 
FRI. 27th, 3 pm: Session 4, chairperson: G. Dellacasa 
  A.P. Thirlwall (Canterbury): The Balance of Payments Growth "from 
  Mercantilism to Keynes to Harrod and Beyond" 
        discussant: L. Stella 
  J. S.L. McCombie (Cambridge): Balance of Payments Constraint and 
  Harrod Foreign Trade Multiplier Revisited 
        discussant: M. Di Matteo 
Fri. 27th, 5 pm: Summing up, chairperson: G. Pittaluga 
  Communications already announced: G. Casale, S. De Gleria, 
  F. Praussello, R. Soliani, B. Soro 
Istituto di Scienze Economiche e Finanz. 
Universita di Genova 
via Balbi 30, 16126 Genova 
fax [33] 10 256904