This week in CLICK4HP there has been a lively volley of discussion on "What
is *Real* Health Promotion?" and "The Focus vs the Limits of Health
Promotion".  This mornings postings  by Michel O'Neill and Dennis Raphael
hopefully conclude a very active  debate .  All of the postings have
enriched the discussion on  i) what is health promotion; and ii) who can
undertake health promotion activities/should do HP and pointed us to the
useful document of the Action Statement for Health Promotion in Canada
 <[log in to unmask]> .

Michel asked whether we could archive these postings or have them available
at the Health Promotion list-serv [managed by Bo Haglund in Sweden]. We do
not have an easy way to "archive" the postings on CLICK4HP and unlike
electronic conferences, you cannot 'see' earlier postings or threaded
discussions on topics. I've heard from some subscribers that they would like
to see this compilation of the discussion available to Health Promotion

I have copied all of these postings into a Word document, edited them
slightly and created a file of this discussion. It makes up 11 pages of 10
pt. type single-spaced; starting on Sunday September 15th and includes, by
date and time, every related posting with the name and e-mail address of the
respondent. I'm working on a brief summary of the discussion, how it started
and where it went. Unfortunately I am not known for brevity.  I will be able
to convert the entire document into HTML and have it available for posting
as a link from the soon-to-be-available CLICK4HP 'home-page' accessible off
OPC's web-site before the end of September.

There are a few questions about distribution:
1. Should the collected postings be archived at Bo's web-site for
Health-Promotion list-serv - as suggested by Michel O'Neill.

2. Should OPC make the collected discussion on this topic available through
a CLICK4HP web-site, with subscribers and select others given the URL to
find it?

3. Should this file be accessible through the Canadian Centres for Health
Promotion Research, on their web sites or in another format?

4. In any of the above options - are there issues of privacy, copyright or
other ethical considerations if putting these discussions into a somewhat
public domain?

Your comments and responses are important to determining a course of action.
 Please respond to either the whole CLICK4HP  list-serv or directly to the
list co-facilitators:

Alison Stirling     <[log in to unmask]>
Liz Rykert     <[log in to unmask]>

Looking forward to your comments

Alison Stirling  <[log in to unmask]>
Ontario Prevention Clearinghouse (OPC)