================= HES POSTING ================= 
> ------- Forwarded from history-ideas by Ross Emmett ------- 
>         I am currently soliciting articles for the next, and future, issues 
> The journal publishes studies of science, medicine, and technology that 
> integrate historical, philosophical, and/or sociological understandings of 
> the topic(s) being addressed.  The editors of PERSPECTIVES  believe that 
> publishing interdisciplinary studies on specific scientific, medical, and 
> technological topics will help scholars gain a more comprehensive 
> understanding of the broader subjects of science, medicine, and technology. 
>         The journal has been published for five years by the University of 
> Chicago Press.  Past articles include: 
> "The Resolution of Discordant Results," Allan Franklin 
> "Rationality Among the Friends of Truth:  The Gassendi-Descartes 
> Controversy," Lynn S. Joy 
> "Towards More Secrecy in Science?  Challenges to an Ethics of Science," 
> Mathias Kaiser 
> "Cordelia's Love:  Credibility, Validity, and the Social Studies of 
> Science," Steven Shapin 
> "Looting, Reparation, and Stewardship:  Ethical Issues in Archaeology," 
> Alison Wylie 
> "The Political Cartography of the Human Genome Project," Brian Balmer. 
>         Articles on all topics related to science, medicine, and technology, 
> written from all perspectives, are welcome.  Each issue of PERSPECTIVES 
> includes case studies, theoretical articles, and historiographic essays. 
>         For more information on the journal in general, or about submitting 
> articles specifically, please contact me at the address given below.  Thank 
> you. 
> Ed Lamb 
> Managing Editor 
> Perspectives on Science 
> Department of Philosophy 
> Virginia Tech 
> Blacksburg, VA 24061-0126 
> Ph. (540) 231-7879 
> Fax (540) 231-6367 
> Email [log in to unmask] 
>          [log in to unmask] 
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