================= HES POSTING ================= 
I have posted an item related to Roy's editorial already on HES. You will 
find a short editorial of mine on related issues in the March 1995 HES 
list archive at 
The editorial is called "Are history of economics and history of economic 
thought the same?" and there is a conversation thread about that message 
which you can follow through the archive. 
I have also recently created a web site for a related paper, which is my 
own reflection on Schabas' article. The paper is 
entitled: Reflections on "Breaking Away": Economics as Science and the 
History of Economics and the History of Science." It was the paper I 
presented at the Department of Economics Conference at the University of 
Manitoba in September 1995 on "History of Economics: Is it 'History' or 
'Economics'?" (my report on that conference was posted to HES in October 
1995, and will eventually find its way into the HES list archives in the 
next few weeks). Unfortunately, our server is down 
today, but you may be able to access the paper in the next few days. The 
URL is: 
[There's also a link to this page from the editorial on the HES Web site: 
http://cs.muohio.edu/~HisEcSoc/Resources/Editorials/Weintraub --E-MS] 
Ross B. Emmett                Editor, HES and Co-manager CIRLA-L 
Augustana University College 
Camrose, Alberta CANADA   T4V 2R3 
voice: (403) 679-1517   fax: (403) 679-1129 
e-mail: [log in to unmask]  or  [log in to unmask] 
URL: http://www.augustana.ab.ca/~emmettr 
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