Network Operations will be performing an emergency software reload to one of the campus core routers
( this Sunday September 8th during the Net Ops. maintenance window (00:00-06:00). The reload is
necessary due to token ring IPX off subnet transmission problems.
The following networks and their related services will be affected during the router outage:

- T107, T128, Maxwell, 014 and 021 Steacie Science Labs.
- passy-ether (Assiniboine) Passy Gardens and Assiniboine
- yorklanes-ether York Lanes
- bookstore-ether York Lanes Book Store
- curtis-ether Curtis Building
- fineartsIII-ether Centre for Film and Theatre
- dce-ether
- stedmanpub-ether Stedman Building public network
- fineartsIIIpub-ether Centre for Film and Theatre public network
- rosscpub-ether Ross Central public network
- CCS-token_ring
- physical-plant-token_ring Physical Plant Building
- YUSA-token_ring YUSA training Lab
- FASpub-token_ring FAS Student Lab
- FAS-token_ring FAS Building
- financial-aid-token_ring Financial Aid (Central Square)