SYNERGY ONLINE:  Bulletins and News Briefs from
    The Canadian Society for International Health: [log in to unmask]


L'ACDI a commencé d'afficher le 25 septembre 1996 les offres
pour les consultants en santé, population, et nutrition sur le Service

d'invitation ouverte à soumissionner (SIOS).

La première Demande d'appel d'offres a été affichée dans les sous-
secteurs suivants:

A)Santé publique et Soins de santé primaires (y compris épidémiologie,

  promotion de la santé, éducation et communications en matière de

  santé, et santé des enfants)
B)Élaboration de Politiques, Planification, Gestion et Finances dans
  secteur de la santé

D'autres Demandes d'appel d'offres seront également affichées dans les

prochaines semaines:

1. Santé des femmes, Santé génésique (y compris VIH/SIDA),
2. Étude et élaboration de politiques en matière de Population
3. Nutrition
4.Formation de professionnel en santé et population et Développement
  ressources humaines

Pour de plus amples renseignements veuillez consulter le site Internet

de l'ACDI: (

Pour obtenir la documentation sur la demande d'appel d'offres pour
publique et Soins de santé primaires (y compris épidémiologie,
de la santé, éducation et communications en matière de santé, et santé

Des enfants) et pour élaboration de politiques, Planification, Gestion

et Finances dans le secteur de la santé, prière de contacter le SIOS
1-613-737-3374 ou 1-800-361-4637 avec le numéro de référence 96-0254.
Les demandes d'appel d'offres seront affichées pendant 42 jours.

Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)
CIDA has begun to post its Standing Offers for consultants in Health,
Population and Nutrition on the Open Bidding Service (OBS) on

The first Request for Proposal (RFP) for Public Health and Primary
Health Care, (Including Epidemiology, Health Promotion, Education and
Communication, and Children's Health) and for Health Policy, Planning,

Management, and Finance has been posted.

Separate Standing Offer Arrangements will also be posted in the next
weeks in the following subsectors:

A)Women's Health, Reproductive Health (Including HIV/AIDS),
  Family Planning
C)Health and Population Professionals Training and Human Resources
D)Population Studies and Policy Development

For further information, please consult the CIDA Web Site at:

For documentation on the RFP for Public Health, Primary Health Care,
Epidemiology and for Health Policy, Planning, Management, and Finance
currently on the OBS, please contact the OBS at 1-613-737-3374 or
1-800-361-4637 citing the reference number SEL 96-0254. Request for
Proposals will be posted for 42 days.

Boston University, School of Public Health -
Course Descriptions Announcement

1. Management Methods for International Health (Feb. 6 - May 2, 1997)
   Applications are now being accepted for this twelve week course.

2.  Drug Policy Issues for Developing Countries (Feb. 14 - 28, 1997)
   Applications are now being accepted for this two week seminar.

3.  Strengthening Public Hospitals in Developing Nations - New Course
   1997 - (April 7-25, 1997).  Applications are now being accepted for

   this three week seminar.

Should you be interested in receiving further information (brochure)
application regarding any or all of the above mentioned courses,
   Amy Gluckin
   Center for International Health
   53 Bay State Road, Boston, MA 02215, USA
   Tel: (617) 353-4524  ;  Fax: (617) 353-6330
   Email: [log in to unmask]

The Wellness Foundation
a member of the United Nations NGO Health Caucus presents
"The Flowering of Our Human Spirit:  The Pathway to a New
where: University of Ottawa Alumni Auditorium
when: Saturday, October 5, 1996, 9:00am to 4:30pm
cost: $100.00 per person (special price for students with I.D.,

"The Living Legacy of Florence Nightingale: Our Healing Mandates"
where: Monterey Inn, 2259 Highway 16, Ottawa
when: Sunday, October 6, 1996, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
cost: $100.00 per person, includes luncheon

"The Flowering of Our Human Spirits: An Experiential Week-End"
where: EcoNiche House in the Gatineau
when: Fri., Oct. 11, 7:00pm through Sun., Oct. 13, plus optional Mon.,
Oct. 14
cost: Communiting, $235, or with two nights accommodation, $295 and
optional Thanksgiving Supper and third night stayover, $45

For more information and/or to register, please contact:
   The Wellness Foundation
   181 Maple Lane, Ottawa, Ontario K1M 1G6
   Tel: (613) 224-5480 or Tel/Fax: (613) 749-3379
   Email: [log in to unmask]

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