The Anishnawbe Community Health Centre has a mostly Aboriginal client base.
It has a spiritual healing programme and has integrated spirit into most of
what they do.  Their professionals include traditional elders and other
spirit healers as well as biomedically trained physicians, nurses, health
promotion people etc. They are in Toronto on Queen street east at
Sherbourne: 416-360-0486.

>Hi Everyone:
>I'm putting together a presentation on spiritual health at the worksite;
>specifically, it will focus on suggestions for adding a spiritual health
>dimension to worksite wellness programs.  Rather than just giving the
>a list of things they can try, I would like to share the stories of "real"
>professionals with them; ie., show them what health promotion professionals
>from around the world are doing to bring a spiritual focus to their
>If you have a worksite wellness program with a spiritual health focus, I
>love to hear from you.  I'm looking for information on what you do and why,
>what type of results/changes you may have seen since adding this focus,
>any other information you'd like to share.
>Thanks in advance for your help!
>Debbe Thompson
>e-mail address:  dfthp