================== HES POSTING ======================== 
          Conference for the Study of Political Thought 
The Boston Area chapter is being revived this academic year with five 
seminars at Boston U (other venues next year).  The aim is "a forum for 
discussion of political thought that is wide enough to appeal to 
interested scholars, teachers and students from political science, 
philosophy, history, classics, law, economics, sociology, etc."  (First 
seminar Tue 19 Nov: Patrick Riley (UWisc), "Justice as the Charity of the 
Wise: Leibniz's Universal Jurisprudence.  Time and place TBA.) 
To receive the full announcement or to sign up for e-mail notices, contact 
one of the organizers Knud Haakonssen <[log in to unmask]> (Philosophy, BU) 
and James Schmidt <[log in to unmask]> (Political Science, BU). 
----abstracted from the paper Notice by Paul Wendt 
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