================= HES POSTING ================= 
Posted to HES by Ross Emmett from EH.News. The following may be of  
interest to some subscribers. 
The Global.Change list (another of the EH.Net lists) will be having an 
on-line discussion of a new paper by Peter Temin of M.I.T. entitled "Two 
Views of the British Industrial Revolution." 
The debate will begin in a few days time, certainly by next week.  If you 
wish to see the paper, you can view it (and print a copy) by pointing your 
web browser at: http://cs.muohio.edu/Announcements/twoviews.html.  An 
earlier draft was circulated as NBER Working Paper on Historical Factors in 
Long Run Growth no.81, March 1996. 
Subscribers are encouraged to participate in the discussion.  The editors 
are also pleased to welcome Peter Temin on-line who will be watching 
developments with interest and will respond when moved to do so. 
If you are not already a subscriber to Global.Change, you can join by 
sending the following message to [log in to unmask]: 
subscribe Global.Change <your name> <your institution> 
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