=================== HES POSTING ===================== 
It is interesting to note one (early) use of the term 
 "formalism" in economic  
disputation.  It was used to assault a monetary policy  
proposal made by Oscar Lange which, in the author's  
judgement, "would involve knowledge about  
price expectations, that even in principal, let alone in  
practice, would be utterly unattainable".  This was part of a  
"Methodological Criticism" of Lange's "shackles of  
formalism"; the author was Milton Friedman (1953 [1946],  
277-300), Essays in Positive Economics. 
Robert Leeson 
Bradley Fellow and Visiting Associate Professor 
Economics Department 
Social Science Centre 
The University of Western Ontario 
London, Ontario, Canada, N6A 5C2 
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