=================== HES POSTING ==================== 
*************   EDITORIAL CHANGE   ******************* 
*************     CALL FOR PAPERS     ******************* 
A new team comprising Mark Blaug (University of Exeter, 
UK, Executive Editor), Roger Backhouse (University of 
Birmingham, UK, Editor), Kevin Hoover (University of 
California, Davis, Editor) and Uskali Maki (Erasmus 
University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, Editor) is taking 
over editorial responsibility for the JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC 
METHODOLOGY with immediate effect. They will be 
responsible for the first issue in 1997.  Maarten Janssen 
continues as Book Review Editor. 
Submissions on any aspect of economic methodology  are 
being actively encouraged. The Journal of Economic 
Methodology is an international,  refereed journal. It is 
intended to keep the time lags between submission, 
decision and publication as low as possible.  
Submissions should be sent to:  
     Journal of Economic Methodology  
     Department of Economics 
     University of Birmingham 
     B15 2TT 
Questions may be addressed to any of the editors:  
M.Blaug, University of Exeter 
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Submissions should comprise 4 paper copies  plus a word processor  
file (either PC floppy disk or an email attachment).  
Standard word processor formats (Word, Word Perfect, Ami  
Pro etc are fine).  
Roger E. Backhouse            [log in to unmask] 
Department of Economics        
University of Birmingham 
Edgbaston                     Phone:    0121 414 6655/+44 121 414 6655 
Birmingham  B15 2TT UK        Fax:      0121 414 7377/+44 121 414 7377 
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