================= HES POSTING ================= 
Dear HESers: 
Following this message you will receive the second of the monthly guest 
editorials for HES. It will be posted by Philip E. Mirowski from the 
University of Notre Dame and discuss "Ecology in the Mirror of Economics." 
The HES editors encourage you to respond to the issues that are discussed 
in the editorial. You can post a response by replying to the message (just 
check to make sure that the address to which you are sending the message 
is [log in to unmask]) or by sending a new message to [log in to unmask] If 
your message bears the same heading as the editorial (or has the addition 
"Re:"), it will be archived with the other responses (once we've ironed 
out some archiving problems). We hope the discussion of this editorial 
will be as lively as the one that followed E. Roy Weintraub's editorial. 
The editorial, the conversation emerging from it, and other relevant links 
will be posted to the HES Web site at: 
(Or, start at the HES home-page http://cs.muohio.edu/~HisEcSoc, click on 
"Other Resources," then click on "Monthly Guest Editorials for HES," and 
finally click on "Editorial Philip E. Mirowski".) 
The editorial and subsequent responses may be forwarded to other lists 
and/or used in classroom settings without requesting permission. For 
publication purposes, however, the author of each message (the editorial or 
any responses) used must be contacted for permission. For more information 
about copyright holdings for HES postings, please see the information 
message you can receive when you send the message INFO HES to 
[log in to unmask] 
        Esther-Mirjam Sent 
        HES co-editor 
 Department of Economics         426 Decio Hall 
 University of Notre Dame        (219)631-6979 (O) 
 Notre Dame, IN 46556            (219)631-8809 (F) 
 http://www.nd.edu:80/~esent     mailto:[log in to unmask] 
============= FOOTER TO HES POSTING ============= 
For information, send the message "info HES" to [log in to unmask]