======================= HES POSTING =================== 
Forwarded from C18-L by Ross Emmett 
                         GLOBAL BAROQUE 
 24-26 October 1997 
 University of Oregon 
 Eugene, Oregon 
 We invite proposals for panels and/or papers on any topic relating to the 
 17th and 18th centuries.  Of particular interest is the theme of 
         Reconfiguring the "Baroque," the "Enlightenment," and 
         "Neo-classicism" in the context of world cultures and global 
         exchanges in the Early Modern Era 
 We encourage interdisciplinary approaches and hope to set up some panels 
 consisting of scholars from different disciplines.  Submissions by 
 graduate students are also encouraged.  Also planned is a round-table 
 discussion on interdisciplinary teaching of early modern topics. 
 Send panel proposals by 15 December 1996 and paper proposals by 
 28 February 1997 to 
         Roxanne Kent-Drury or David Bockoven 
         University of Oregon 
         Department of English 
         Eugene, Oregon  97403-1286 
 Hard copy submission is preferred, but fax and e-mail submissions will be 
 accepted at 
         e-mail:  [log in to unmask] 
         fax:    (541) 346-1509 
============ FOOTER TO HES POSTING ============ 
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