Item Subject: Message text
Gathering Web bookmarks collectively in one location is a great idea!!  We would
be pleased to link our web page with Alison's list of bookmarks!

Now, this is a GREAT example of the Internet being used effectively in a health
promotion context.  Sharing of resources and "person-power"!

Debbie Bang
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> I appreciated very much having access to Alison Stirling's
> bookmarks as per her announcement on Click4HP.  Her and I
> have discussed quite a bit over the past year or two how
> best to share with others the list of bookmarks we have
> each shared and developed over time.
> I am currently working on dramatically renovating my Web site
> and was wondering how best to make my bookmarks available as
> well.  Thanks Alison for Just Doing It! as the expression goes.
> I have seen so many meta-directories on different topics I think
> I am starting to go blind :-)  Without question, Alison sharing
> her great list of bookmarks will help many get started and point
> them in the right direction.  However, I am now asking myself if I
> should do the same or not.
> I was planning on having part of my Web site be a similar list,
> with similar categories.  Would this be overkill?  It's not
> that it would require a lot of work.  Compared to the mounting of
> the rest of my site, listing the bookmarks would be relatively
> easy, although still a little time consuming.  I am just wondering
> how much of a resource it would be if it already exists?
> Would it be possible and would there be interest in joining
> together with Alison and expanding her list?  I assume this is
> do-able technologically speaking.  Perhaps we could build a larger
> list where those of us who have sites could link to.  Perhaps
> keeping it as simple as possible would help toom, such as just
> emailing "additions" to Alison's original list to a student who
> could cross-check them, determine their relevance and add them.
> Just an idea of course.
> There are probably as many disadvantages as advantages to this, not
> least of which is the varying understandings people have of seemingly
> simple concepts such as health promotion, sustainability, community
> development, etc.
> I guess what I'm getting at is how feasible would it be to launch
> the development of an ever-growing bookmark site?  I for one, would
> be more than happy to share my list as well.  And thanks again
> Alison.
> JM Dupont
> ***
> Jean-Marc Dupont
> Principle Consultant - Community Systems Associates
> National Contact - Canadian Healthy Communities Network
> Facilitator -  (Web Networks Public Newsgroup)
> 119 York Street, 3rd Floor
> Ottawa, ON K1N 5T4 Canada
> Tel:  +613.241.8755
> Fax:  + 613 241.8846
> Email:  [log in to unmask]
> [under renovation]
> ***