====================== HES POSTING ====================== 
***Forwarded from IEPS-L by Esther-Mirjam Sent*** 
                                PHILFEST 97 
                            4th - 13th July 1997 
                   University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand 
             First Call for Paper Abstracts and Symposia Suggestions 
Australasian Association for Logic          (4th - 6th July) 
Women in Philosophy                          (5th - 7th July) 
Australasian Association for Philosophy     (6th - 11th July) 
Australasian Association for the History Philosophy and Social Studies of 
    Science                                 (9th - 13th July) 
The due date for Symposium suggestions is 17th February 1997. 
The due date for ABSTRACTS of papers is 2nd April 1997. 
Send such ABSTRACTS or Symposia suggestions to either: 
    Philfest 97 Secretary (at the address below), 
    to the e-mail address: [log in to unmask] 
with clear indication of the Conference for which it is intended. 
The Organising Committee of Secretaries is: 
Rod Girle       (AAL)       Jan Crosthwaite (WIP) 
Denis Robinson  (AAP)       Robert Nola     (AAHPSSS) 
Susanne Muir    (Departmental Secretary for Enquiries) 
 Philosophy Department 
University of Auckland 
Private Bag 92019 
New Zealand 
Phone:  Int + 64 9 3737 599 ext 7491 (tone dial) or 
        Int + 64 9 3737 799 ext 7491 (pulse dial) 
FAX:    Int + 64 9 3737 408 
Dr Roderic A. Girle 
Philosophy Department 
University of Auckland 
Phone: Int + 64 9 3737 599 ext 5072 
FAX: Int + 64 9 3737 408 
e-mail: [log in to unmask] 
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For information, send the message "info HES" to [log in to unmask]