========================== HES POSTING =================== 
                          CALL FOR PAPERS 
The History Department at Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, 
is holding an interdisciplinary conference on writing biography, life 
course and personal narrative, 18-20 July 1997. 
We are seeking offers of papers on the following themes: 
.. Narrating lives 
.. Thinking about biography 
.. Biography and memory 
.. Collective biography 
.. Psychoanalysis and life-course writing 
.. Death, mourning and narratives of loss 
.. Family stories/ family secrets 
.. The politics of memory/ class, gender and memory 
.. Feminist biography 
.. Biography and fiction 
.. Shared stories/ generational stories/ place and stories 
Please send abstracts of about 100 words to us by 31 January 1997. 
We would also welcome suggestions or offerings for panel discussions. 
Barbara Caine, Esther Faye, Mark Peel and John Rickard 
History Department 
Monash University 
Clayton Vic 3168 
Fax: +61 3  9905 2210                       Phone: +61 3 9905 2172 
email:  [log in to unmask] 
           [log in to unmask] 
============ FOOTER TO HES POSTING ============ 
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