====================== HES POSTING ====================== 
[Request from the moderator: Please reply to this posting in a personal 
message to [log in to unmask] rather than a posting to the list, unless you 
want to start an HES discussion on these issues. -- E-MS] 
I feel a little out of place participating in the HES list. I am more 
of a political scientist by training, although I am strengthening my 
economics background over the next few quarters. I am a graduate 
student in Political Economy at Utah State University. My interests 
include church-state issues, racial politics, the politics of higher 
education, public choice, the rule of law and monetary theory. 
I am preparing to write my Master's thesis over the next 3 months. I 
want to explore how Hayek's views of the rule of law help to solve 
the economic knowledge problem outlined in "The Use of Knowledge in 
Society" and "Rules and Order" (Vol.1 of Law, Legislation and 
Liberty). While authors implicitly recognize a connection between the 
information problem of economics (and society in a somewhat larger 
vein) and Hayek's rule of law, I have not run across papers that 
outline the mechanics of this relationship. If anyone on this list 
have similar interests, or who can point me to possible research done 
along these lines, I would greatly appreciate it. 
M. Royce Van Tassell 
M. Royce Van Tassell 
Utah State University 
Department of Political Science 
Old Main, 3rd Floor 
Logan, UT 84322 
Home Phone: (801)787-4172 
Office Phone: (801)797-3971 
Email: [log in to unmask] 
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