================= HES POSTING ================= 
                         University of Limburg 
                   Tenth Annual Heilbronn Symposium 
                 in Economics and the Social Sciences 
                         Sunday, June 29, 1997 
                           Heilbronn, Germany 
     The Tenth Heilbronn Symposium in Economics and the Social 
     Sciences will be devoted to the work of Karl Bucher (1847- 
     Deeply steeped in the tradition of German historical 
     political economy, Bucher emphasized non-market forms of 
     exchange, the theory of economic development and the theory 
     of mass production, even including seemingly extraneous 
     elements such as music into the realm of his explanatory 
     endeavor. Fascinated by the institution of the newspaper, he 
     can also be considered one of the founders of the modern 
     theory of mass communication. 
     In accordance with the mission of the Heilbronn symposia, the 
     purpose of this conference is threefold. First, we want to 
     systematically examine Bucher's work in the light of 
     contemporary theory. Second, we want to look at his work from 
     the point of view of current practical needs and challenges. 
     And thirdly, the conference also serves the purpose of making 
     this theoretical heritage in political economy available to 
     the international community of scholars. 
     The conference will be held in Heilbronn on Sunday, June 29, 
     1997. The conference site is the traditional Schiefshaus at 
     less than five minutes distance from the railroad station. On 
     Saturday, June 28, at six o'clock, conference participants 
     will gather in the Hotel Gotz and they will have dinner and 
     get a chance to get to know each other. 
     Please send your abstract and correspondence to: 
     Name:   Prof. Dr. Jurgen G. Backhaus 
     E-Mail: MAILTO:[log in to unmask] 
     Postal: University of Limburg, AE, P.O. Box 616, 6200 MD 
             Maastricht, The Netherlands 
     Phone:  011-31-43-388-3652/3636 
     Fax:    011-31-43-325-8440 
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