================= HES POSTING ================= 
[and call for material] 
URPE is planning to sponsor the publication of a reader consisting of 
articles on progressive economics. This reader is intended to accompany 
standard introductory textbooks used in the teaching of undergraduate 
economics. The reader will therefore cover both micro- and 
macroeconomics. The purpose of the reader is to broaden the scope of 
coverage in these courses, and give voice to points of view and issues 
that are not raised in standard textbooks. 
URPE invites you to send articles that you have found "exceptionally" 
clear enlightening and useful in teaching economics. Please remember 
that the reader is aimed at beginning students in economics who have 
never had any exposure to the subject. The articles must be interesting 
and non-technical. 
Please send material to: 
Professor Thomas Palley 
Dept. of Economics 
New School for Social Research 
65 Fifth Avenue 
New York, NY 10003 
Fax (212)229-5724 
============ FOOTER TO HES POSTING ============ 
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