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***Forwarded from IEPS-L by Esther-Mirjam Sent*** 
SASE 9th International Conference on Socio-Economics 
July 5-7, 1997 
University of Montreal, Montreal, Canada 
Call for Papers 
Rethinking the Welfare State 
The variety of ways in which the welfare state is being debated and 
re-examined in a number of countries provides an historical moment in 
which to consider the social and economic consequences of various reforms 
of the welfare state. We are looking for theoretical pieces as well as 
empirical analyses involving such issues as the privatization of the 
welfare state, the downsizing of government, the issue of social 
exclusion, the trade-offs between unemployment and low wages, alternative 
delivery systems for health, education, and welfare, programs for the 
disabled, etc. We welcome comparative articles as well as detailed studies 
of particular welfare states. 
In addition to the conference theme, each year SASE also welcomes papers 
that relate to themes listed below and other papers relevant to 
Theme One: Social institutions 
1.      Foundations of a just society 
2.      Transformations of the class structure 
3.      Capitalism and democracy 
4.      Institutional evolution and change 
5.      The socio-economic foundations of trust 
Theme Two: Organizations 
1.      Socio-economics of innovation 
2.      Embeddedness of business systems 
3.      Processes of change 
4.      Socio-economics of business networks 
5.      Consequences of the downsizing of firms 
Theme Three: Socio-economic development 
1.      Development and global competition 
2.      Modernization in developing countries 
3.      Investment and consumer behavior 
4.      Problems of sustainable development 
5.      Transformations of economic systems 
Theme Four: Law and social philosophy 
1.      Ideas about social justice 
2.      The socio-economics of law 
3.      Theories of regulation 
4.      Socio-economics of crime 
5.      Codes of ethics 
Theme Five: Gender, work and the family 
1.      Gender and the state 
2.      Impact of welfare and family policies 
3.      Work and family roles 
4.      Economic crises and the family 
5.      Ethnic and racial differences 
Other Themes: 
1.      Origins of socio-economic thought 
2.      New paradigms in socio-economics 
3.      Industrial relations systems 
4.      Regional governance 
5.      The socio-economics of the environment 
Site of Conference 
Located at the crossroads of the northern hemisphere and strategically 
situated on the St. Lawrence River, one of the world's largest rivers, the 
city of Montreal has a charm of its own. Cosmopolitan, bilingual, 
influenced mainly by British, French and Am erican cultures, Montr=C8al has 
a "certain art de vivre" very much appreciated by visitors. One of the 
most important conference destinations in North America, Montreal offers 
in July all the attractions you can imagine, including during this 
conference, its international jazz festival. 
Our host is the Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commercials, the oldest Canadian 
business school, now located in its new building at the University of 
Montreal, one of the most important French speaking universities in the 
In Montreal, hotel accommodations are excellent, and we have selected 
several hotels for the conference. Student rooms will be available for 
CDN$25 (single and double occupancy). Hotel rooms range in quality and are 
priced from CDN$89 to CDN$130 per night (single and double occupancy) for 
first class accommodations. 
Instructions for Submitting Proposals 
Abstracts of papers or summaries of proposed sessions should be no longer 
than 150 words and addressed to: SASE, P.O. Box 39008, Baltimore, MD 21212 
Materials may also be sent by fax (+1-410-377-7965) or by e-mail 
([log in to unmask]). E-mail files should be sent in uncoded ASCII format. 
=46EBRUARY 15, 1997. 
Early registration (through February 28, 1997): 
        US$100/CDN$135 for SASE members 
        US$130/CDN$175 non-members* 
Registration (from March 1, 1997): 
        US$125/CDN$170 for SASE members 
        US$155/CDN$210 non members* 
*       Non-member registration fees include a one-year SASE membership 
Currently enrolled students qualify for a 50% discount on fees. 
Participants registering for the International Conference on Knowledge, 
Economy, and Society (July 3-5, 1997) qualify for a 30% discount on 
registration fees. 
=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D FOOTER TO HES POSTING =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= 
=46or information, send the message "info HES" to [log in to unmask]