====================== HES POSTING ======================= 
Dear HESers, 
As you may or may not know, HES is part of the EH.Net group of lists 
operated by The Cliometric Society. The HES list and web-site have recently 
been moved to the EH.Net. While the old list address ([log in to unmask]) 
will continue to work, you can now also send HES postings to 
        [log in to unmask] 
While the old web-site (http://cs.muohio.edu/~HisEcSoc) will still work, 
the HES web-site can now also be accessed at 
The old address is an alias and the new address is the real address. 
        Esther-Mirjam Sent, HES co-editor 
        Department of Economics 
        University of Notre Dame 
============ FOOTER TO HES POSTING ============ 
For information, send the message "info HES" to [log in to unmask]