========================= HES POSTING ================= 
List subscribers might be interested to know that the history of  
economics is prominently discussed on the front pages of two important  
national newspapers today in Britain, the Guardian and the Independent.  
The stimulus is a paper in the latest Cambridge Journal of Economics,  
which I haven't seem yet - I am reporting on the newspaper articles  
  It seems that Keynes, in the 1920s, was worried about population  
growth in poor countries such as India and among the working class in  
Britain. The Guardian reports this as meaning that Keynes was a 'snob'  
and a 'racist'. The Independent, which is somewhat less rigid in its  
political correctness, takes a less censorious and more balanced view,  
though it thinks that it sheds 'an unflattering light on the hero of the 
left-wing of the economics profession'. 
  Failure to contexualize (see HES editorials, passim) or what? 
Tony Brewer ([log in to unmask]) 
University of Bristol, Department of Economics 
8 Woodland Road, Bristol BS8 1TN, England 
Phone (+44/0)117 928 8428 
Fax (+44/0)117 928 8577 
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